With heavy monsoon rains triggering catastrophic flooding, Pakistan has suffered the worst natural disaster in its history. At one point, approximately one-fifth of Pakistan—a landmass the size of England—was under water.
Today, the official tally of casualties is over 1,700 with another 20 million forced to flee their homes—more than those displaced by the 2004 Indian tsunami, the 2005 Kashmir earthquake and the 2010 Haiti earthquake combined.
The International Dianetics Disaster Assist Team gathered and started right after the floods hit with just a handful of men doing assists and distributing supplies within a short time, the group expanded to over 1,000 people working in cities throughout Pakistan.
With its headquarters in Karachi, the International Disaster Assist Team is supplying and distributing goods and delivering assists to help ease the mental and physical trauma of the victims. Assist Team members live by the motto, “No Matter the Problem… Something Can Be Done About It.”
As an official of the Sindh Provincial Government Ministry of Law said, “I really agree and am inspired by the motto of the International Dianetics Disaster Response Team and they have proved these words by their actions. I don’t know much about this Dianetics Volunteer technology but… it is really great to know and see that these volunteers are so effectively helping the flood victims. Our country needs this honesty and dedication. I really appreciate their humanitarian work. Thank you so much.”
While from an official of the Sindh High Court, “This recent flood of Pakistan is no doubt the worst disaster we ever had. Many people, government and NGOs, are working to help the affected by providing them the needed things.
“But the way the International Dianetics Disaster Assist Team is helping those affected by the flood for many months regularly is the most needed.
“Flood victims really need someone who can listen to them and their problems and the International Dianetics Disaster Assist Team is doing the same. This is appreciated.”
In order to continue to provide relief and assistance to as many victims as possible, the Disaster Assist Team is training others to apply the assist technology themselves. While going through the camps and local universities, the team has taught over 1,200 people to deliver assists—including fathers, mothers, nurses and even children.
In the four months since the floods hit, the Dianetics Assist Team has directly helped over 112,000 Pakistanis, proving themselves to be a bright beacon of hope bringing compassion and care to those whose lives have been devastated by the flood.