csinet's blog
Scientology Volunteer Ministers in the new Haiti Podcast of Kerri Kasem
Submitted by csinet on Fri, 2010-03-19 07:59Kerri Kasem Show #102 - interviews with several Scientology Volunteer Ministers who have returned from Haiti: Josh (who was working in the Miami Hospital Tent Operating room), Cassandra Hepburn (working in refugee camps and orphanages), Felix Kunze (documenting the scene in Haiti) and others. Kerri has been in Haiti herself and adds her personal observations to the mix.
Listen to it here!
Part 1:
Scientology-Sponsored Relief Team from Italy Leaves for Haiti
Submitted by csinet on Tue, 2010-03-16 17:41Milan, Italy - A team of eight Italian disaster specialists sponsored by the International Association of Scientologists arrived in La Romana, Dominican Republic, today, and is moving on to Haiti. Coming from Malpensa Airport in Milan, they took with them 2.7 tons of supplies, including more than 1,300 pounds of medical equipment and tents, 815 pounds of food, and 250 pounds of medicine.
Three Boston-based Scientology Volunteer Ministers on Tele Soleil - 13 March 2010
Submitted by csinet on Tue, 2010-03-16 16:43Excerpts of a one-hour-long talk show with three Boston-based Scientology Volunteer Ministers talking about their experiences in Haiti!
Church of Scientology sponsors Italian Disaster Specialist Team for Haiti
Submitted by csinet on Sun, 2010-03-14 19:46A team of Italian disaster specialists, sponsored by the Volunteer Ministers of the Church of Scientology of Milan, are wrapping up last-minute preparations to travel to Haiti to join the relief effort. Led by veteran disaster specialist, Mr.
Michigan Scientology Volunteer Minister opts to help in Haiti instead of vacation
Submitted by csinet on Sat, 2010-03-13 22:10”I was on vacation, and thought to myself, ‘Doing this is so worthless when so many need help,’” said 18-year-old Echo Brabenec, of Suttons Bay. “I felt like I could do better by doing something to help the people in Haiti.”
The mostly home-schooled teen (she studied at Suttons Bay High School for a year, and graduated a year early from Traverse City West), went to Port-au-Prince, Haiti as one of the volunteer ministers of the Church of Scientology on Feb. 14, and will be there until mid-April.
Haiti: First Port-au-Prince School Re-Opens and Back in Service Thanks to the Work of the Scientology Volunteer Ministers
Submitted by csinet on Fri, 2010-03-12 15:06In the past weeks the Mexican Scientology Volunteer Minister team in Haiti has given seminars to more than 5,000 persons and trained more than 1,000 in Assist technology. They also organized and distributed food and water to more than 10,000 persons. One of their special projects was to help re-open a big Christian school.
Scientology Volunteer Minister Joava Good: “Haiti made the Indonesia tsunami, Katrina and 9/11 look small by comparison.”
Submitted by csinet on Fri, 2010-03-12 13:23Sandy, Utah—Sandy resident, Joava Good says “Haiti made the Indonesia tsunami, Katrina and 9/11 look small by comparison.” In a presentation to the Sandy City Citizen Corps Council Thursday, March 11, entitled Church of Scientology Disaster Relief, she will share eight lessons learned in Haiti that can make all the difference in any future disaster. Good, a member of the Draper City Emergency and Advisory committee for the past four years calls Haiti “a real eye-opener” and “the worst catastrophe we’ve ever worked on.”
Scientology Commended by Haitian Ambassador to the United States
Submitted by csinet on Thu, 2010-03-11 10:16In a letter presented to the President of the Founding Church of Scientology of Washington, DC, on March 2, Haitian Ambassador Raymond A. Joseph expressed “deep appreciation” for the work of the Volunteer Ministers of the Churches of Scientology Disaster Response.