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Scientology Volunteer Ministers Respond to New Zealand Earthquake

Following the 7.1 earthquake, mounds of toxic silt contaminated the streets of Christchurch.

The 7.1 earthquake shook Christchurch hours before dawn in New Zealand’s second largest city. Thousands of homes experienced power, water and sewage shutoffs, and many of the city’s buildings were reduced to rubble, including those in downtown and suburban areas. 

The Scientology Volunteer Ministers immediately arrived on the scene to help in whatever capacity was needed. 

Volunteer Ministers Continuing To Help Victims Of San Bruno Explosion

After being treated for burns and other injuries, victims came to the VMs for assists to help speed up the healing process.

In the early evening of September 9th, a violent explosion and giant fireball erupted in the heart of the San Francisco suburb of San Bruno, causing local residents to flee. Responding to the scene within minutes, Scientology Volunteer Ministers from the Bay Area assisted in the relief effort, as police and firefighters worked throughout the night to contain the fire.

Volunteer Ministers Asked to Return to Samoa

Volunteer Ministers in Samoa

Samoan Prime Minister Tuilaepe Sailele Malielegaoi has invited the Scientology Volunteer Ministers to return to his island nation to continue instruction In disaster response skills and L. Ron Hubbard’s administrative tools and Study Technology.

Scientology Volunteer Ministers Continue Disaster Recovery Following Haiti Quake

Volunteer Ministers from around the US boarded flights bound for Haiti while aftershocks still rocked that nation’s capital.

There were two options for the 22-year-old engineering student who found himself half-buried beneath the remnants of his college with a crushed leg: amputate or die.

Scientology First Responder Heads Back to Haiti

Australian Volunteer Minister Peter Dunn, helping to raise the spirits of group of Haitian children

ADELAIDE—“I want to help,” says teacher Peter Dunn, 61, on why he is returning to Haiti   with the Scientology Haiti Disaster Response Team.  “As a trained Scientology Volunteer Minster I knew I could help and felt it was something I personally needed to do.”

Scientology Volunteer Ministers: Why We Help

Scientology Volunteer Ministers house in Haiti.

The last decade has been one of the most turbulent in our history. Opposing ideologies, violent revolutions and a frail social economic structure have subjected more than one-third of the world’s population to oppression, poverty and brutal human rights violations. Terrorism and a global economic crisis rips at the very fabric of society, propagating a mindset governed by hysteria, fear and anxiety.

Scientology Volunteers Establish Headquarters for Haiti

The Church of Scientology International Volunteer Ministers' new headquarters in Pétionville, Haiti

Pétionville, Haiti—The Church of Scientology International Volunteer Ministers opened a new headquarters Saturday, signaling a new level of commitment to the people of Haiti in rebuilding their country.   Located just east of Port-au-Prince, the new headquarters will facilitate the staging and coordination of operations, and provide temporary housing for volunteers from outside Haiti.

A visit to the VM Camps in Haiti

Haitian Street Life in May 2010

Paris Morfopoulos, a Volunteer Minister and first-responder who went to Haiti for several weeks in January and February 2010, just recently returned from his second trip to Port-au-Prince. There is still a lot to do and though the news media is not reporting anymore about the help needed in Haiti, the VMs are relying on your continued support, either through the International Association of Scientologists or with skills, time and direct support! Read his report here:

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