Scientology Assists, developed by L. Ron Hubbard, can help ease the pain and suffering, both physical and emotional, of friends and family members. While Assist technology is the mainstay of the Volunteer Ministers who respond to natural and manmade disasters, it has tremendous impact on the lives of individuals anywhere on a daily basis. A woman who learned and used this technology shared what occurred:
“Of everything I've learned in this life and any action I have taken, learning and using the assists tech is one of the most profound. These simple and humble techniques have the power to change people's lives, ease pains, heal old wounds, and even just make their outlook brighter and more positive. What greater good can a person do than to help another heal? I cannot think of one.
“Sometimes, the person getting an assist only knows that they feel happier and more relaxed, yet does not notice that as they walk away, they're standing straighter, are more extroverted, or aren't limping anymore. How humbling to see the look of joy on someone's face when they realize that they don't need that brace anymore, or to be hugged by someone that you've helped to rid of a blinding migraine, or to see the tears of relief and joy when they discover that all the pain they'd been putting up with was suddenly gone.
“It took me only minutes to learn the assists and they worked the first time. They work every time I use them. It costs me nothing to give them, except a few minutes of my time and attention. There's no big secret to the technology, so I can show people how to care for each other when I'm gone. And, best of all, these people become MORE capable to confront and handle their lives. There is no dependency on me and I can move on to put someone else on his or her feet.
“That is what a real healer does. I am both proud and humbled to say, ‘That is what I do.’” – R.L.
Training reference:
English: https://www.dropbox.com/s/2gp31zkwpnhm9q2/Pages%20from%20BOOK%2006%20ASS...
Tagalog: https://www.dropbox.com/s/9jgngr6oayo7sb7/NERVE%20ASSIST%20pages%2021-25...