Church of Scientology sponsors Italian Disaster Specialist Team for Haiti
March 14, 2010
A team of Italian disaster specialists, sponsored by the Volunteer Ministers of the Church of Scientology of Milan, are wrapping up last-minute preparations to travel to Haiti to join the relief effort. Led by veteran disaster specialist, Mr. Dino De Pasquale, President of La Pubblica Assistenza Croce Giallo-Azzurra di Torino, a volunteer civil protection group founded in 1992, the team, comprised of doctors, first responders and Scientology Volunteer Ministers received an official send-off from Manfredi Palmeri, President of the Milan City Council, who thanked them on behalf of the city for their work and dedication.
The volunteer team flies out of Malpensa Airport in Milan Monday, March 15. On arrival in Haiti they will join the ongoing relief effort of the Scientology Volunteer Ministers, which has been operating in and around Port-au-Prince for the past two months.
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