Among the hundreds of volunteers on the Scientology Disaster Response Team in Nepal are a team of doctors, a nurse and paramedics who have had their skills put to the test in many disasters. They come from around the world to use their skills freely in the help of their fellow man. They are doctors, nurses and paramedics who travel to disaster sites to give aid to those in need. And a very special team of these medical workers, from India, Pakistan, Australia and Colombia, came to Nepal to join the Scientology Disaster response team where their help is urgently needed.
Brought to Nepal by the Scientology Volunteer Ministers international headquarters, these are veterans of disaster response who travel to remote areas to dress wounds, perform minor surgeries, set broken bones, administer antibiotics and assist in any task that’s needed.
Their presence in remote outposts is invaluable—such as the time, in the mountains, hours from Kathmandu, when a family came running down the mountain path bearing a woman in a litter. Her water had broken and they were taking her to a clinic in a nearby town, but they didn’t know if they had enough time to get her there. The paramedic on the team, ready and willing to deliver the baby himself if need be, checked her out and was able to assure them they still had time to make it to the clinic.
Another doctor noticed a woman whose toddler’s face was swollen. He approached her to offer his help. When she found out there was no charge for the doctor’s services, the relief on her face was palpable.
Because these doctors, nurses and paramedics are also Scientology Volunteer Ministers, they provide an additional dimension to the care they give in times of disaster by sharing techniques called Scientology assists. These techniques can speed recovery and are tools anyone can learn and use to help others.
These assists are described in the Scientology Handbook, “Today, medicine treats the body when there is something wrong with it. But it overlooks almost totally the relationship of the spiritual being to his body and the effect the former has on the latter. The fact is, after any necessary medical treatment, the individual himself has an enormous capacity to influence the body and its well-being or lack of it.”
It is this that an assist addresses, and the results are often miraculous. The Volunteer Minister “helps his fellow man on a volunteer basis by restoring purpose, truth and spiritual values to the lives of others.”