Within 24 hours after the disaster, the first group of Japanese Volunteer Ministers traveled to disaster areas close to Sendai city (Miyagi region) and Shiroishi city (Watati area, still covered with water or debris) to make an initial assessment of what Volunteer Minister activities are needed in the areas affected by last Friday's earthquakes and tsunami. Four VM assessment teams visited several of the over 2,400 evacuation camps and shelters and talked to victims and officials to find out what is most needed. Meanwhile Volunteer Ministers from around Japan gathered in Tokyo to arrange food and water supplies and to work out logistics. In the past days, Volunteer Ministers arrived from New Zealand and Australia but the main activity is in the hands of the Japanese VMs. As of today, more than 100 additional Volunteer Ministers from outside the country are ready to arrive.
On Tuesday, 15 March 2011, the first 15 members of Los Topos, Volunteer Minister-trained search and rescue specialists (including a radiation specialist) were welcomed by the Volunteer Ministers in Tokyo. Another group of Topos members is expected on Wednesday.
Our top priority right now is to get medical personal and rescue specialists on the ground while other volunteers are building safe bases in the South of Japan and in nearby countries. Our efforts are sponsored by the International Association of Scientologists.
Please donate to the IAS! If you can help with specialist supplies, medical supplies or your expertise please contact us by email or phone at 1-800-435-7498 (+1 323 960 1949). To those who want to go to Japan to help, download this application form and email it to us here.
Thank you for any help you can give! We will continue to keep you updated.