The current temperature in the tornado areas in Oklahoma ranges around 80 degrees F (27 degree C) at daytime. For the next days more rain and hail is predicted. Travel as light as you can but be ready for the weather:
- State/National Identification
- Sensible comfortable, sturdy work boots for long working days
- Rain jacket
- VM T-Shirt and Jacket
- Long-sleeve shirts
- Long pants that are durable or cargo type pants
- Towel/hand cloth
- Hat or baseball cap (several, in case you lose one)
- Sunblock
- Sunglasses
- Hygiene supplies
- Sleeping bag and sleeping mat
- Thick working gloves
- Flashlight
- Pens, paper, journal
- Plastic bags large and small for dirty stuff/storage
- Vitamins, Salt and Potassium tablets
For more information contact Nancy Levin at the International Volunteer Ministers Office at: 1-800-435-7498 (USA & CANADA) or +1 323-960-1949