With need for Medical care greater than ever in Haiti, Church of Scientology makes it possible for more doctors and nurses to go to Port-au-Prince
A month after the Haiti earthquake, a Scientology-sponsored chartered flight leaves from Miami International Airport Sunday afternoon to bring 47 doctors, nurses and EMTs from Association of Haitian Physicians Abroad, AIMER (Action Now to Rebuild Haiti), AHAMES (Americhelp) and Hands for the Needy Foundation to Haiti. A team of 39 disaster-response-trained Scientology Volunteer Ministers will be aboard, to support the medical teams in their work in Haiti. Many medical professionals and relief workers are returning home, yet with more than 300,000 injured by the earthquake, the need for emergency medical care in the country is still urgent.
The Church has transported 394 medical professionals to Haiti since the earthquake struck on January 12. "The doctors and other medical professionals who have joined the Haiti relief effort have put the people of this country above their own comfort and safety," said Susan Taylor, President of the Founding Church of Scientology in Washington, D.C., and Chair of the DC Chapter of VOAD (Volunteers Active in Disaster). She will be on the Sunday flight.
The Church of Scientology has transported 20 tons of food and medical supplies to Haiti over the past month. Scientology Disaster Response Team volunteers in Haiti have distributed more than 420 tons of food to victims of the disaster with the World Food Program and served more than 6,000 meals to patients, refugees and medical teams. They have provided backup for medical workers in hospitals and clinics in and around Port-au-Prince, including organizing and setting up medical supplies and assisting in critical care units and operating rooms.
Miami-based Prudential Aviation donated the use of the aircraft for Sunday's charter flight and earlier flights that left from New York Kennedy Airport on January 16 and 23 January as well as Los Angeles Airport on January 21, with fuel and all other operating costs donated by the International Association of Scientologists.
One Month After Haiti Disaster- New Scientology-Sponsored Flight From Miami
Submitted by csinet on Sat, 2010-02-13 20:26