A Long Island Scientologist couple, Christina and Richard, is sending a special gift to the people of Haiti-crutches. They are flying from Miami on the Scientology-sponsored chartered flight Sunday February 14 and will join the Scientology Disaster Response Team that has been in Haiti since January 17, just five days after the quake. Before leaving their home in Bay Shore, New York, the couple organized a community drive for crutches and other vital supplies for Haiti. A physical therapist, Christina will be working with earthquake victims, helping them learn to cope with serious injuries and amputations. Richard, a Scientology Volunteer Minister, will assist his wife and carry out any needed projects to help in the recovery phase as part of the Disaster Response Team.
"In just 24 hours we secured trucking to Miami, sent out messages to everyone we know, set up two drop-off sites, gave our friends a tight deadline of 11 p.m., collected the crutches, brought them to the trucking site and wrapped them and loaded them on the truck, which is on its way to Miami," said Richard. "We filled two pallets with approximately 50 pairs of crutches and walkers, three physical therapy tables, two treatment chairs, and 13 boxes of first-aid supplies," said Christina. "Even in the middle of a major snowstorm people came out. They really were excited to help the Haiti relief effort. They all wrote special messages on the crutches they donated."
Christina and Richard's son JP and their school-aged daughter have opted to spend their spring break in March volunteering in Haiti with their parents. JP helped pack up the crutches and other equipment and supplies for shipping to Haiti by the Church of Scientology.
The Church of Scientology has sponsored four charter flights transporting 394 medical professionals and over 100 Scientology Volunteer Ministers to Haiti in the month since the earthquake. With the need for doctors still critical, the Church has chartered a fifth flight that leaves for Haiti on Sunday, February 14, and brings another 47 doctors, nurses and other medical professionals and 39 Volunteer Ministers to join the relief effort.