Scientology Volunteer Ministers Nashville Flood Relief Efforts
May 5, 2010

The Church of Scientology announced today that it has called on its nationwide network of Volunteer Ministers to assist Nashville in flood relief. "We have people around the country who are trained and experienced in disaster response," says Julie Forney, who is coordinating the Church’s volunteers, "and the help is definitely needed here.”
The local Volunteer Ministers were already on the scene Sunday, helping at an emergency shelter before reporting to Madison and Bellevue on Monday. “First we went to our parishioners who had a lot of damage, then just went door-to-door helping people sort through the mud," says Forney.
The Church is also offering a special course free of charge to anyone who would like to become a Volunteer Minister, or just learn to better help their friends and family. The course can be done in a day or two, and according to the church pastor Rev. Brian Fesler, “It’s for everyone—any faith. We’re all-denominational. This course just teaches how to help people through difficult situations.”