Solomon Islands Schools Teaching Teachers How To Teach

Scientology Volunteer Ministers bring seminars to Solomon Islands schools.
The Scientology Volunteer Ministers have begun delivery of workshops to educators throughout the island of Guadalcanal at the request of the Chief Education Officer of the Guadalcanal Education Authority, following the success of training provided to executives and staff of that agency in Honiara, Capital of the Solomon Islands.
In a March 6 letter to the school principals of Guadalcanal province, the chief education officer urged educators to take full advantage of a series of workshops to help them improve their ability and service to their pupils.
Feedback from teachers attending workshops show the value of this initiative.
Teachers in the Nguvia Primary School appreciated learning a new approach to helping their pupils increase comprehension of what they are studying. Ghaobata Community High School instructors found the training helped isolate weak points and strengthen teaching skills.
“You have highlighted the weak spots and failures of teachers which have contributed to the failure of some students,” says an English teacher from the Nguvia Secondary College.
“As a teacher I've learned how to understand why the kids do not know most of the things I taught in the classroom. It also helps me to prepare my lessons in a better way,” says a teacher from the Visale Primary School.
The Volunteer Ministers began delivery in Honiara and then covered schools in the northern half of Guadalcanal Island. They will be moving on to the southern part of the island in April.
Returning to the Solomon Islands where they provided disaster relief five years ago in the wake of a magnitude 8.1 earthquake and tsunami that struck the island of Giza, the South Pacific Scientology Volunteer Ministers team is one of 10 Volunteer Minister Goodwill Tours dedicated to helping people in remote areas with practical help for everyday life.
For more information visit the Scientology Volunteer Ministers website.
The Scientology Volunteer Minister program was initiated by Scientology Founder L. Ron Hubbard in 1976. There are now hundreds of thousands of people across 185 nations trained in the skills of a Volunteer Minister.