
Scientology Volunteer Ministers Provide Disaster Relief to Earthquake and Tsunami Victims in Japan

Volunteer Ministers provide hundreds of Scientology assists in shelters every day. Assists are techniques developed by L. Ron Hubbard that speed recovery from stress and trauma.

For the past two months, hundreds of Scientology Volunteer Ministers have served in Japan in the wake of the magnitude 9 earthquake and 30-foot tsunami. Several hundred more are now en route to continue their work in Tokyo, Onagawa, Kesennuma and Ishinomaki.

Scientology Volunteer Ministers in Japan

A short clip covering some of our recent activities in Japan.

Hashikami Students Express Their Thanks

The Scientology Volunteer Ministers in Kesennuma presented a very special and colorful thank you note to Mr. Toshiyuki Mizutani, CEO of Hodaka Bicycle Company from the students of Hashikami Junior High School today.

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