Video Summary: Two Weeks After the Earthquake Disaster in Haiti
Submitted by csinet on Wed, 2010-01-27 14:09To date, the Church of Scientology has sponsored charter flights that have brought more than 300 medical personnel and 100 Scientology Volunteer Ministers to help Haiti recover. We just received the first film tapes from one of the Volunteer Ministers who is following the groups' trips and actions with a camera. Below is a summary of the VM's actions in last two weeks since the earthquake.
The Emergency is not over - volunteers building the future of Haiti
Submitted by csinet on Wed, 2010-01-27 12:24Daily log: Scientology Volunteer Minister Michaela
Submitted by csinet on Tue, 2010-01-26 21:29
We got up at 5:45am to get ready to go to the hospital. Our ride was a little local bus with no windows and a very stale smell. After a 45-minute ride we get to the hospital finally, all sweaty and already tired. But as soon as we get there we find another problem. All our patients were gone because during the night someone said there was going to be another earthquake and so they just rolled all the beds away from the building, with the patients in them! It took us a couple of hours to find them and bring them back to one place.
Updated: Slide show
Submitted by csinet on Mon, 2010-01-25 20:00The Volunteers have done many food distribution trips with military escort. They found that Haitian population is not aggressive but friendly and disciplined, and generally there are no street fights or mobs. In the past days Volunteer Ministers delivered 1.5 crates of Military Rations (MREs) and the equivalent number of water and radios.
Real life stories by Scientology Volunteer Ministers in Haiti
Submitted by csinet on Mon, 2010-01-25 00:44Update report from our Scientology Volunteer Ministers on the ground!
Volunteer Minister Mike: has been assigned to a medical team that gives tetanus shots to all the patients at the General Hospital and the field hospitals around Port-au-Prince.
Volunteer Minister Michaela sent us an email giving a glipmse of what it is like there and what she and the other volunteers are doing:
Photo Series: In the General Hospital in Port-au-Prince, 23-24 January 2010
Submitted by csinet on Sun, 2010-01-24 21:38
Scientology Volunteer Ministers from all over the world continue to arrive in Haiti to do whatever is needed to help the people of this country. Their transport has been made possible by the donations, large and small, of many Scientologists who are members of the International Association of Scientologists.
Photo Series: What are the Scientology Volunteer Ministers doing in Haiti?
Submitted by csinet on Sat, 2010-01-23 19:24
In the past five days the Church of Scientology Volunteer Minister corps has mobilized and safely transported more than 350 rescue and medical professionals and volunteer ministers to Haiti. Donations for tons of food and medicine were raised and the supplies were brought into Haiti for distribution, in coordination with the United Nations. Close to 100 Volunteer Ministers took time off jobs and left their families and the comfort of their homes to help people in Haiti. The following photos cover only a part of the many stories of our Scientology Volunteer Minister.
Ellen reports from the General Hospital in Port-au-Prince, Haiti
Submitted by csinet on Sat, 2010-01-23 13:55Scientology Volunteer Minister Ellen arrived in Haiti Thursday night. She reports about her first assignment at the General Hospital in Port-au-Prince.
We landed last night at 1 or 2am. We had to get all our cargo from the airplane ourselves. Literally, I climbed into the cargo pit and was the one throwing the things off the airplane. We made an assembly line to receive it all. We went to the hospital today all day long. I was responsible for the team that went to the hospital and we were there from about 11am to 7pm.