csinet's blog
Japan: 9.0 Earthquake - Disaster Response Assessment Team Reporting
Submitted by csinet on Fri, 2011-03-11 16:23As a response to the recent earthquakes in Japan and the following tsunami Scientology Volunteer Minister units in Japan, Australia and New Zealand have been activated to set up disaster response logistics and help points in the North-East of Japan as well as in Tokyo.
Submitted by csinet on Fri, 2011-03-11 10:39私たちの歴史において、この十年は最も混乱した時代でした。イデオロギーの対立や暴力的な革命、脆弱な社会経済基盤によって、世界人口の3分の1以上が圧 制や困窮、残虐な人権侵害にさらされています。テロ行為は社会の根幹を揺るがし、ヒステリーや恐れ、不安を人々の間に撒き散らしています。し かし、戦争で荒廃した国々の人々だけがストレスにさいなまれているわけではありません。それはごく身近な場所にも蔓延しており、薬物乱用、青少年の非行、 家庭の崩壊、識字率の低下、失業といった問題が引き起こすストレスは増えていく一方です。こうした状況は、行政担当者や福祉事業職員にとってあまりに大き な重荷となっています。しかし、答えがあります、効果がある本物の答えです。ボランティア・ミニスターは、どこであろうといつであろうと 必要とされれば顕著な結果をもたらします。これらの解決策は、サイエントロジーの技術をもとにし、思想や信条に関わりなくどんな人でも使用できるように意 図されたものです。世界中のすべての大陸に20万人以上のボランティア・ミニスターがいます。 彼らは地域社会の指導者、行政当局、災害救助隊や市民らと協力して、災害現場において秩序と真の助けをもたらしています。
TV: "Trauma specialists provide stress relief in Christchurch"
Submitted by csinet on Thu, 2011-03-03 00:003 News TV reports:
(Christchurch, New Zealand) Along with medical staff and psychologists on the ground in Christchurch, trauma specialists have also arrived to provide stress relief.
Gary Bromwell of the Scientology International Disaster Relief Group is a trauma stress specialist who says he helps victims “come out of the trauma and back into the present so they can rebuild their lives and move on”.
Scientology Volunteer Ministers Continue Queensland, Australia, Disaster Relief
Submitted by csinet on Wed, 2011-02-09 15:29In the wake of last month's record Queensland floods, Scientology Volunteer Ministers carry on their work.The team of 40 Scientology Volunteer Ministers, recently featured in an article in Toowoomba's The Chronicle, continue helping Brisbane residents clean up after last month's record flooding. As Brisbane residents carry on restoring order to homes, businesses and schools the volunteers pitch in with whatever tasks are needed-shoveling mud, hauling trash, and providing the extra hands that make the grueling work go faster.
Church of Scientology of Pasadena Parishioners Honor Tenth Anniversary of 9/11
Submitted by csinet on Fri, 2011-02-04 16:55(PASADENA, CA) At a badge pinning ceremony held at Fire Station 34 on Del Mar Blvd in Pasadena this week parishioners and Volunteer Ministers of the Church of Scientology of Pasadena commemorated the tenth anniversary of 9/11 by donating a limited print edition of the moving watercolor titled “Unspoken Courage” by acclaimed watercolor artist POMM to the station.
News article: Scientology unit for floods
Submitted by csinet on Tue, 2011-02-01 18:40THE Scientology Disaster Response Unit has been activated to the Lockyer Valley.
The national organisation has a database of volunteers ready, willing and able to be deployed to places in Australia, New Zealand and in the Pacific during times of crisis.
Free Online Scientology Volunteer Ministers Courses Now Available On Mobile Devices
Submitted by csinet on Wed, 2011-01-19 14:11Volunteer Ministers courses tailored for on-the-go access through smartphones and tablets such as iPhone, iPad and Android.
Smartphone, tablet computer and e-book users on iPhones, iPads and Android now gain instant access to life skills training free of charge through online Scientology Volunteer Ministers courses compatible with most mobile devices.
Scientology Volunteer Ministers Training - Maximize your next layover
Submitted by csinet on Tue, 2011-01-18 22:09Instead of wasting away in the departure lounge, what if you could turn your downtime into the solution for the major issues in your life?
You can take a free Scientology Volunteer Minister course designed to address the stress and problems in your life. These are available now wherever you go, on your iPhone, Android, iPad or e-book reader.