Looking Back on the Past Ten Years of the Volunteer Ministers Movement—2010
Submitted by lbw on Wed, 2011-09-21 13:48
The Scientology Volunteer Ministers who served at Ground Zero in the months following 9/11 set a standard for disaster response and inspired a movement that carried forward for the past decade. In 2010, hundreds of thousands trained in the skills of the Scientology Volunteer Minister reached out and helped others in times of disaster.
A series of Volunteer Ministers Seminars Help More Than 5,000 in Bushenyi, Uganda
Submitted by csinet on Thu, 2011-08-11 14:10At the request of educators in the Bushenyi District of southwest Uganda, in May 2011 a team of Kampala-based Scientology Volunteer Ministers led by Mr. Pedaiah Paul M. Teba, Director of the World Light Caring Mission of Uganda, traveled the 200 miles from the nation’s capital to provide a series of seminars. More than 5,000 teachers, parents, students and children attended the seminars that local officials hope will become an ongoing tradition.
Scientology Volunteer Ministers Assist Mudslide Victims in Eastern Uganda
Submitted by csinet on Tue, 2010-10-05 23:00In response to scores of requests for training, the Scientology Volunteer Ministers group in Kampala, Uganda, has begun delivering seminars to residents along the eastern border of their country.
Kenya Scout leaders use Scientology Volunteer Ministers methods to help in the wake of Uganda mudslides
Submitted by csinet on Tue, 2010-05-04 23:00
A team of Kenya Scouts who are also Scientology Volunteer Ministers traveled to Uganda last month when massive mudslides killed 94 and displaced 30,000 from their homes. Led by Elly Rajab, 22, the Scouts joined Uganda Army rescue workers in their search for 500 people missing in the flood-affected area.