Ayal Lindeman is leading the Volunteer Ministers disaster response team in the Philippines. Shown here in Japan after the tsunami of 2011.
Super typhoon Haiyan is the worst storm on record ever to have hit the central Philippines, leaving an estimated 10,000 dead, 500,000 evacuated and 10 million affected.

US Veteran first responder Ayal Lindeman is leading the international Scientology Volunteer Ministers disaster response team to help the Philippines recover from super typhoon Haiyan. Here is his message:
"This will be my second trip to the Philippines for a super typhoon Cat 5 response in less than a year.
The devastation is intense. We cannot sit by.  No one can. It is the true nature of a being to desire to help and the fact is that you can.
With these deployments, specialized equipment is needed and that takes funds.

We bring help, we assist to bring order from confusion, we find out what is needed and, within the command structure that exists, we do exactly that.  We bring professional responders as well as volunteers for support and we bring comfort and counseling.
We know that our motto as Volunteer Ministers is true: 'Something Can Be Done About It.'   And we take actions to DO something about it.
Your help is needed. Your support is needed and more then I could ever express, you support is appreciated.
With Gratitude,"
Ayal Lindeman LPN/EMT
CERT Trainer
To volunteer and join the Scientology Volunteer Ministers Philippines Disaster Response Team, contact the Scientology Volunteer Ministers Disaster Coordinator at 1-(800) 439-7498.  To donate to help fund the relief project, click on the “donate now” link at the right of this Volunteer Ministers blog.