Summary: Two Weeks since the first Scientology Volunteer Ministers joined Haiti help efforts
Submitted by csinet on Fri, 2010-01-29 00:04Scientology Volunteer Ministers are serving in Haiti and the Dominican Republic, providing skilled logistical support to aid the earthquake recovery. Supported by individuals and groups in the US, UK, Canada, Germany, France, Italy and elsewhere, Volunteer Ministers provide organizational support to medical teams, enabling the doctors and nurses to treat the injured.
Dr. Phil - Interview with doctors at the University of Miami tent hospital in Haiti
Submitted by csinet on Thu, 2010-01-28 22:59Dr. Phil Show of 26 January 2010: Interview with doctors of the University of Miami hospital tent in Port au Prince, Haiti. The helpers working with the patients (in the yellow shirts) are Scientology Volunteer Ministers.
Video Summary: Two Weeks After the Earthquake Disaster in Haiti
Submitted by csinet on Wed, 2010-01-27 13:09To date, the Church of Scientology has sponsored charter flights that have brought more than 300 medical personnel and 100 Scientology Volunteer Ministers to help Haiti recover. We just received the first film tapes from one of the Volunteer Ministers who is following the groups' trips and actions with a camera. Below is a summary of the VM's actions in last two weeks since the earthquake.
Urgently Needed: Doctors and medical personnel going to Haiti
Submitted by csinet on Sat, 2010-01-23 12:20Straight news out of the Haitian Embassy in Washington, DC: They need doctors to volunteer to go to Haiti!
Scientology Volunteer Ministers in Washington, DC acknowledged by Greater D.C. Haiti Relief Committee and Embassy of Haiti
Submitted by csinet on Sat, 2010-01-23 08:39WOR News Talk Radio: Scientology Volunteer Minister John Carmichael about Haiti on Radio in New York City
Submitted by csinet on Wed, 2010-01-20 13:39Yesterday's Joey Reynolds show: Listen to Scientology Volunteer Minister John Carmichael about Haiti on radio in New York City
Scientology Flies Medical Team to Haiti: Fox New York TV Coverage
Submitted by csinet on Sun, 2010-01-17 18:28Fox TV coverage, January 16: Nearly 130 doctors, nurses, EMTs and ministers left from Kennedy Airport for Haiti.
They got the call last night and dropped everything to go. The Church of Scientology organized the charter flight.
Scientology Volunteer Ministers in Washington, DC, active on Haiti disaster
Submitted by admin on Sat, 2010-01-16 02:47WUSA9 TV reports that more than a dozens volunteers from the Church of Scientology provided help at the Haitian embassy in D.C. today. Many Haitians lost family members in the 7.0 magnitude earthquake that struck on Tuesday. “We can see these people are in big trouble,” one Scientology Volunteer Minister says. “We are here to help.”
See the full TV clip on