csinet's blog
Profile: David Scattergood, All the Good We Can Do
Submitted by csinet on Tue, 2011-06-21 15:31Scientologist David Scattergood is a fixture in the volunteer community in Seattle, Washington. Here is his story.
Alabama tornadoes: Bringing Help to Those Who Can't Afford It
Submitted by csinet on Sat, 2011-06-18 23:00The Churches of Scientology Disaster Response came to Birmingham to help those who most needed it, and that found them in Pratt City.
The Alabama tornadoes of April 27 caused more immediate destruction than any other disaster in the state’s recent history. But at a time when some would prefer to get as far away from the damage as possible, there is a group of volunteers who continue heading towards the rubble and debris to help those who need it most.
Scientology Volunteer Minister Patience Freeman: Bringing the Gift of Opportunity to the Children of Western Africa
Submitted by csinet on Wed, 2011-06-15 13:08Through Scientology, Patience Freeman found the key to accomplishing her purpose—to help the children of her native Ghana and all of Western Africa. Her profile is one of 200 “Meet a Scientologist” videos available on the Scientology website at www.Scientology.org.They know her by her yellow T-shirt, her smile, and her help—Patience Freeman and her husband Bright lead the Scientology Volunteer Ministers Goodwill Tour through Western Africa.
Tokyo group donates 225 bicycles to Ishinomaki area disaster victims for their transportation needs
Submitted by csinet on Mon, 2011-05-16 11:36TRANSLATION: Ishinomaki Kahoku news of May 1, 2011 Tokyo group donates 225 bicycles to Ishinomaki area disaster victims for their transportation needsOn April 23, the International Scientology Volunteer Disaster Relief Team (from Tokyo), which has been doing volunteer works for disaster recovery in Ishinomaki area, arranged the donation of 125 bicycles to Ishinomaki City and Higashi-Matsushima City to provide transportation for disaster victims.
Submitted by csinet on Fri, 2011-05-13 22:160:00 大津波は岩井崎の美しい松の木もなぎ倒していきました。
0:12 その大津波でもびくともしなかったのが、第九代横綱秀の山の銅像です。
0:24 その秀の山の子孫が、地元の避難所でボランティア活動を行っています。
Scientology Volunteer Minister on Higashi Nihon TV in Japan
Submitted by csinet on Fri, 2011-05-13 22:08TRANSLATION: Higashi Nihon Televsion 27 April 2011
0:00 Big tsunami waves knocked even a beautiful pine tree at Iwaisaki.
Scientology Volunteer Ministers on National Geographic TV in Mexico
Submitted by csinet on Tue, 2011-05-10 13:27On May 8th, National Geographics TV Latin America broadcast a 45-minute documentary about the works of "Los Topos" and the Volunteer Ministers in Japan. (National Geographics TV Mexico.)
Submitted by csinet on Sat, 2011-05-07 09:30マグニチュード9の地震と10メートルを超える津波が発生した直後からこの2カ月の間、数多くのサイエントロジー・ボランティア・ミニスターたちが、日本で活動してきました。現在、数百人以上のボランティア・ミニスターたちが、引き続き活動を行うため、東京、女川、気仙沼、石巻に向かっています。災害発生後24時間以内に、ボランティア・ミニスターの調査チームが、最も被害が大きかった地域に到着し、その地方自治体の担当者に会い、何が必要とされているか、何が求められているかを聞きました。避難者は40万人以上に上り、災害対策本部が東京に設置され、ボランティア・ミニスターによる援助の提供が調整されました。ロサンジェルスのボランティア・ミニスター国際本部は、即刻、ロス・トポスと呼ばれる15人の捜査救助専門家チームを日本に派遣しました。ロス・トポスとボランティア・ミニスターは、ニューヨークの世界貿易センターの爆破、ニューオリンズのハリケーン「カトリーナ」と「リタ」による大被害、ハイチとニュージーランドの地震の時も活躍しました。到着後、ロス・トポスは日本の自衛隊に協力して、生存者を助けるために捜査救助活動を開始しました。